It has been no secret that I am craving Spring. This winter has seemed long and dreary and with 80 inches of snow fall I am looking forward to some green.
We were lucky enough to get two days of warm weather this past week. Today was sixty-five degrees so Logan and I immediately headed outside. We tromped through my garden area, it is looking so bare and neglected right now. Since we are still in the "frost" season it is too early to plant but I longed to feel the soil on my hands. I went in my little garden shed and pulled out a trowel and a small shovel, just so Logan and I could dig around in the dirt.
We had such a great time! I stood back and thought (again) of all the plans I want to do out there - I swear it changes every season!
I love seeing the light shine in Logan's eyes as we dig around and play under the warmth of the sun. I pray for more sunny afternoons where my little boy and I can run around, get dirty, and just have fun!
Glad you got some dirt time, it always improves my mood. James' too. We got some outside time today too. Hopefully you can get a garden in this year, I'll help when Im down there in April as long as it doesnt snow again this year.
Me too! I felt refreshed after digging around. I figure the only way I will have a garden is if I don't go anywhere after it's planted. So no vacationing from May to whenever I finish pulling up the last of it.... :)
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