
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sloooowly Falling Behind

For the past week I have been struggling. Struggling to stay focused at work (it's just so much easier to play with Logan than input those data numbers,) struggling to get the energy to do all of my household duties, and struggling to comprehend what it is that I am doing and where I am.

Because of this lack of focus I have been slowly falling behind...on everything. Not just at work, but at home too. I went to make myself a cup of coffee the other day and realized that I had not one clean coffee cup or spoon. So I looked in the kitchen sink and it finally hit me. I had not washed the dishes in two days!

Now is the worst possible time to fall behind at work. With the next production sale quickly approaching my to do list has quadrupled. And yet, I have not been able to bring myself into focusing on what it is that I need to be doing.

My body has been going through the motions but my mind has been off somewhere else. I really need to find out what's been bothering me and snap back into reality!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the life of a working Mom! Currently I have two piles of laundry as high as Mt Rainier… one downstairs in the laundry room (dirty) and one on my bedroom floor (clean) and eventually they’ll change places. The dishwasher is full and there’s a few in the sink too. The dust bunnies have been chasing me down the hall for the last few days and last night Mackenzie wrote her name in the dust on the coffee table. I have a desk that’s full of unopened mail and a trunk that still has unsent Christmas presents (I’m taking after my Auntie George). Don’t stress, everything will get done. I’m not sure how, but it all seems to somehow get done. Take time to play, the house isn’t a museum and you’re not expecting the Queen. Logan won’t remember the dishes in the sink, but he’ll remember feeling loved, you taking time to play and the house feeling like a home. Elizabeth