
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Seeds Have Arrived

I was so excited to see the yellow padded envelope in my mailbox that I literally leapt for joy, clapping my hands!  In previous years, I haven't had much luck with my garden, but this year I'm starting a little earlier and changing things around (as you know from this blog posting.) 

What is awesome about these seeds though, is that they are heirloom seeds, they each have their own little history.  My very dear friend told me about Baker Creek Heriloom Seeds.  As soon as I received their seed catalog, I spent a good week, in every spare moment, pouring over the pages.  Reading where a tomato originated from or who grew it in his garden. 

Reading the history of the seeds alone is something.  For example: Love-In-The-Mist (top right hand corner of the picture) dates back to English gardens of the 1570's.  Knowing that I will be adding this tiny, delicate seed, who has been cultivated  with much care over the years to my little garden in New Mexico is...well, it's just amazing.

And my little guy here has a 3 x 6 garden plot all to himself. I let him go through my seed stash and he picked out some of what he wanted to grow (yellow plum tomatoes, orange baby carrots, calendula, pumpkins, butternut squash...)

Logan tending the gardens at school
And when Aslyn gets a little older, she and Logan can share the 3 x 6 garden plot or each have their own if that's how they want it.    

I am so anxious to see little plants popping out of the soil.  Now, if only the weather would clear up...

1 comment:

beth said...

Yeah!!! Dont you love baker creek? They are the BEST seed co, and they have such an amazing farm - I want to go back there sometime for the festival. Happy planting. Good luck with your garden